🖊 美國聯儲局議息結果
聯儲局減息0.25厘 ,提供子彈給Trump繼續打貿易戰
原文新聞報導 :
In a buck-stops-over-there-now performance, Powell indicated that the Fed’s two rate cuts this year are likely adequate as insurance against the rising global risks posed by Trump’s whipsaw trade negotiations with China, and that going forward the Fed sees little need to move unless those risks materialize in the form of weaker U.S. economic data.
“Trade developments have been up and down and then up, I guess, back up perhaps over the course of this interview,” Powell said in a reference to Trump’s sometimes unpredictable trade war with China and, on occasion, other countries.
🔍 在下面附圖為美國15間聯儲局銀行對短期至中期利率的預期利率點陣圖,該點陣圖顯示了各聯儲銀行行長對短期和長期聯邦基金利率的預期,圖上現正顯示趨勢上美國還是會繼續加息周期,當然這種預測只是各聯儲銀行行長的下注預期,並不反應最終結果 。我們相信美國經濟仍然會繼續向好,中期貿易戰如能達成協議,更能移除一大伴腳石。在這前題上,利率現時傾向寬鬆,經濟仍然向好,對股市將極為有利,在更多個股建立上升趨勢及整固完成後,我們應更進取投入市場。
Source: www.federalreserve.gov,www.investing.com